Brazil Update with New Districts FAQ

User-added image

What’s new and Different In Brazil?!
*Going old-school NY-Style with energy jobs and NY-style mastery items
*Properties that generate Energy, Stamina, Consumables, Att and Def Items and a ‘Collect All’ Timer
*Precious Goods Collection, the revaultable and ROB-able Collection
*Brazil Crew (Needed for Category Bonuses)


*Every User will have an option to recruit ‘Brazil Crew’ of friends to help in: Jobs, Fights, Robs and Properties
*Each category has 2 separate roles (8 Total) that can be filled 1 time per day
*Objective: Activate all 8 roles daily to earn bonuses and protection
*Available Friends Remain in Queue until activated into Category Roles
*Bonuses/Protection will be rewarded at time of activation
*Friends must accept Brazil Crew requests to be added to open queue spots
*When a crew request is accepted, both the sending and receiving party will become part of each other’s crew
*Brazilian Real will be awarded if NO open queue positions are available and a crew request is accepted

Brazil Crew Bonuses: (At time of Activation)

Category Roles

-Strategist: 2x Mastery on next 20 jobs
-Lockpick: 2x Loot on next 20 jobs

-Mercenary: Next 50 Fights cost zero stamina
-Marksman: Double Attack Skill on next 50 fights

-Scout: Detect which robbing properties possess Precious Goods next 3 board refreshes
-Arsonist: Automatically win the 1st Rob in the next 3 board Refreshes

-Taskmaster: Earn 100% more from next property collect
-Guardian: Guarded from Robs for period of 18 hours

*All jobs will require ENERGY only with no ‘maps’ or ‘paths’
*All Districts 4 levels of Mastery (Individual Jobs no longer have mastery levels)
*A New Property will Unlock in Each New District
*All jobs can be social (Be sure to have Strategist and Lockpick Job Category Positions filled)
*All jobs require specific amount of items (Be sure to Purchase or Loot these items)

What jobs drop consumable items?
-District 1: Set up Your Operation in a Renovated Skyscraper—Gas Can
-Episode1: Ask an Informant About Local Crime Activity—Local Informants
-Episode2: Bribe a City Official—Button Camrea
-Episode 3: Pilfer From A Rebel Supply House—Radio Phone
-Episode 5: Smuggle Weapons Down The River To a Recife Port—Satchel Charge
-District 6: Convince The Locals of Your Good Intentions—Local Informant
-District 6: Hijack a Fuel Truck—Gas Can
-District 7: Take Advantage of a Distracted Crowd—Radio Phone
-District 8: Destroy the Neo-Imperium's Cover Operations—Button Camera


What Rewards Items will be Granted when a District is Completed??

These are Not Weapon Items!

[Each District Reward has 4 Levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby) Bonuses Increase at Each Level]
Albino Python [Mastery Reward]:
Bronze: 70/103 and Increase Loot Drop by 5%
Silver: 80/123 and Increase Loot Drop by 10%
Gold: 90/133 and Increase Loot Drop by 15%
Ruby: 100/154 and Increase Loot Drop by 20%

NGO Mask [Mastery Reward]:
Bronze: 111/82 and Reduce hospital heal time by 5 seconds
Silver: 131/94 and Reduce hospital heal time by 10seconds
Gold: 151/104 and Reduce hospital heal time by 15 seconds
Ruby: 171/115 and Reduce hospital time by 20 seconds

Camp Knife [Mastery Reward]:
Bronze: 89/126 and Reduce maximum damage dealt to your properties by 5%
Silver: 99/147 and Reduce maximum damage dealt to your properties by 10%
Gold: 109/168 and Reduce maximum damage dealt to your properties by 15%
Ruby: 120/189 and Reduce maximum damage dealt to your properties by 20%

Abelha Helicopter [Mastery Reward]:
Bronze: 142/92 and Reduce purchased city store item costs by 2%
Silver: 164/102 and Reduce purchased city store item costs by 4%
Gold: 186/112 and Reduce purchased city store item costs by 7%
Ruby:208/112 and Reduce purchased city store item costs by 10%

Jiu Jitsu Master [Mastery Reward]:
Bronze: 103/165 and Increase experience reward from missions by 2%
Silver: 113/187 and Increase experience reward from missions by 4%
Gold: 123/209 and Increase experience reward from missions by 7%
Ruby: 133/233 and Increase experience reward from missions by 10%

Bronze: 193/109 and Increase damage dealt to City bosses by 2%
Silver: 211/119 and Increase damage dealt to City bosses by 4%
Gold: 229/129 and Increase damage dealt to City bosses by 7%
Ruby: 247/141 and Increase damage dealt to City bosses by 10%

Machete Dance PropBronze: 115/203 and Increase Brazil property payout by 3%
Silver: 125/218 and Increase Brazil property payout by 7%
Gold: 136/234 and Increase Brazil property payout by 11%
Ruby: 147/251 and Increase Brazil property payout by 15%

Bronze: 205/125 and Increase damage dealt in Brazil Fighting by 1%
Silver: 220/135 and Increase damage dealt in Brazil Fighting by 2%
Gold: 240/145 and Increase damage dealt in Brazil Fighting by 4%
Ruby: 260/155 and Increase damage dealt in Brazil Fighting by 5%

What Loot Drop Items can be found in Brazil? Where can they be found?[Finding a RARE Item will be a Rare Occasion] Good Luck!

District 1: Rio de Janeiro
Common: Fer De Lance, Amazon River Guide, Rio Police Uniform
Uncommon: Big Bounty, Banana Slugger
Rare: Chomper

District 2: Belem
Common: Cat’s Claw, Survival Light, Brazilian Fox
Uncommon: Ultra Light, Caracara
Rare: Jiu Jitsu Gi

District 3: Manaus
Common: Pecuna Blowgun, Bora Hunter, Amazon Shaman
Uncommon: Jungle Motion Tracker, Dug Out Canoe
Rare: Amazon Dolphin

District 4: Sao Paolo Heliopolis
Common: Improv Night, Heavy Assault Squad
Uncommon: Crocanoe, Giant Ant Eater
Rare: Rat Tat

District 5: Recife
Common: Pink Birdeater Tarantula, Open Bolt SMG, Arachnid Armor
Uncommon: Freighter, Arma Cunra
Rare: Black Caiman

District 6: Rio de Janeiro - Rocinha
Common: Ukari, Mosquito Pinners, Tropical Pith Helmet
Uncommon: Bairds's Tapir, Huecuva
Rare: Amazon River Cruiser

District 7: Rio de Janeiro - Copacabana
Common: Fur Seal, Fire Juggler's Torch, Ye'kuana Basket
Uncommon: Street Party, Smoke Squadron Fighter
Rare: Golden Lion Tamarin

District 8: Sao Paolo - Taubate Prison
Common: Corroded Combat Knife, Atelid Monkey, Sinaaskin
Uncommon: Prison Transporte, Prison Chain Whip
Rare: Three-banded Armadillo


What Collection Items can be Found in Brazil?

The ‘Precious Good’ Collection set is extremely valuable and highly controversial. These items can be collected by robbing properties from Brazil properties. To maximize your Precious Good Inventory….collect from your properties daily and always keep an active Guardman. Remember!!! When another player robs you there is chance these same items will be stolen!!

Gold Nuggets, Aquamarine, Imperial Topaz, Raw Diamonds, Brazilian Emerald, Tourmaline, Pink Diamond

1st Time Vault: +10 Attack, +10 Defense, +50 Health, Precious Good Weapon

Revault (One of the following selected at Random): 20K Brazilian Real, +10 Attack, +10 Defense, +50 Health

Beaches (No Revault Bonus): +30 Health
Pinho, Jericoacoara, Ipanema, Recife, Ponta Negra, Florianopolis, Canoa Quebrada
Musical Instruments (No Revault Bonus): +12 Attack
Agogo, Atabaque, Bateria, Ganza, Pandeiro, Skekere/Xequere, Tamborim

Amazonian Plants (No Revault Bonus): +20 Energy
Dutchman’s Pipe, Giant Amazon Water Lily, Tabebuia, Amazon Coral Tree, Passion Fruit, Banana Plant, White Flowers

Drinks (No Revault Bonus): +20 Stamina
West Rum Caipirinha, Lete de Onca, Agua de Coco, Chimarrao, Vinho Quente, Cerveja, Lucky Lucas

Head Dresses (No Revault Bonus): +15 Defense
Golden Goddess, Red Dawn, Green Canopy, Black Midnight, Jungle Vines, Purple Plume, Sun Shine

Butterflies (No Revault Bonus): +10 Defense, 15 Energy
Owl Butterfly, Malachite, Blue Morpho, Postman, Cattleheart, Emerald Swallowtail, Zebra Mosiac

Cultural Dishes (No Revault Bonus): +15 Attack, 15 Stamina
Brigadeiro, Pastel, Tapioa, Vatapa, Caruru, Pao de Queijo, Moqueca

Truco Cards (No Revault Bonus): +20 Attack, 20 Defense
Espadilha, Ancho de Basto, Siete Bravo, Sete Ouro, Caballo, Valetes, Sete Copa


Robbing in Brazil will be frustrating for every player! Everyone will have an opportunity to steal valuable ‘Precious Goods’ collection items from one another.
*Precious Good Collection items WILL AND CAN be robbed from user properties
*There is no limit to how many Precious Good items can be stolen in any given day
*You can only STEAL one item per player per day [You cannot continually rob the same person]
*1 Precious Good Item will always remain in inventory [9 out of 10 items can be stolen]
*Items Stolen will be at random
*Notes will be placed in Player Update section when Items have been stolen
*Precious Good Items can only be stolen on successful robs


*5 Properties will be made available in Brazil
*A new property will unlock when district has been completed at Bronze mastery
*Properties can be collected from every 18 Hours
* Steel, Cement, Power Tool, Construction Workers and Brazilian Timber are required to build and upgrade Properties
*Each property has a maximum of 10 Levels
*One Timer will be available for all Properties [Click 1 time to collect from all properties]
*Each property has 5 visual upgrades [image will upgrade at level: 2,4,7,10]
*There is a small chance of collecting Precious Good Collection Items from Properties [THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN EVERYTIME!!]

User-added image

What Bonuses/Rewards will Properties Offer???

Refinery: Increases dispensable energy by 20% of Max Energy-Will not Exceed Maximum Energy
-Quick Tip: Exhaust energy before collecting from property 

Barracks: Increases dispensable energy by 20% of Max Stamina
-Will not Exceed Maximum Stamina
-Quick Tip: Exhaust energy before collecting from property

Workshop: Build consumable items from a list of items (Once Every 18 hours)
-Extra items available at higher Workshop levels

Black Market: Build 1 Attack/Defense item from available list ( Once Every 23hours)
-Extra items available at higher Black Market levels


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